Ethical Declaration of Editorial Practices


English Studies in Latin America: A Journal of Cultural and Literary Criticism (ESLA) is a journal of the Facultad de Letras at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and follows the general guidelines regarding ethical conduct proposed by the institution. For purposes of its existence as an academic journal, it adheres to the international rules set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) which guarantee the rights and obligations for every participant of the editorial process of publica- tion.


  • If plagiarism is detected in an article, either sent or published, this will be disqualified or annulled from ESLA, respectively. Plagiarism will be determined by the judgment of experts and through appropriate detection
  • It is requested that every text sent to the journal follows MLA citation
  • The contributor/author will be the one responsible for obtaining and processing copyright access for the required materials (diagrams, images, specific translations).
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to suggest changes to the contributor/author regarding specific assertions that contradict the editorial line of the


Texts will only circulate in the instance of evaluative reading and will not be shared outside of the peer review process nor used until the article has been published. Articles are anonymized before being sent to two reviewers who will also remain anonymous. If there is a conflict of interests on behalf of the reviewers, it will be requested for them to remove themselves from the process. In the case that the two reviews differ (one rejects and the other does not) regarding a specific article, a third evaluation will be obtained. The Editorial Board reserves the right to a final decision regarding the publication of the text. For the purposes of the correct operation of ESLA, it is expected that

the reviewers will confirm their participation in the evaluation process and fulfill the requested dead- lines once invited by the magazine to participate.


Editors are committed to upholding absolute confidentiality of materials, name of reviewers and their evaluations; to guaranteeing a democratic and transparent editorial process in terms of the selection of texts; to communicating at a reasonable pace the results of the evaluation.



ESLA commits itself that all names and email addresses introduced to the online platform of the magazine will be solely used for the purpose established by it and will not be supplied to third par- ties or used in any other form. Furthermore, it is committed to maintaining absolute privacy of its materials, names of reviewers, and their evaluations.