On the interplay between historical pragmatics and sociolinguistics. The case of the Spanish pragmatic marker nada and its recent grammaticalization process


  • Renata Enghels Ghent University (Bélgica)
  • Sanne Tanghe Ghent University



Palabras clave:

pragmatic marker, quantifier, nada, real-time analysis, apparent-time analysis


This article examines the hypothesis according to which the increasing use of nada as a pragmatic marker is the recent outcome of a grammaticalization process, mainly observed in youth language. In addition to providing an overview of its polyfunctionality, it examines in detail the functional and structural changes that the poorly studied marker has undergone in contemporary Spanish. The stage of grammaticalization reached by nada is carefully examined through a diachronic corpus analysis, quantitatively and qualitatively tracking its behavior during four contemporary time periods (1970s, 1980s, 1990s, >2000), and documented in various databases of spoken language. The study further argues in favor of combining different methodologies in the analysis of (recent) language change, and the development of pragmatic markers in particular, namely a real-time analysis, an apparent-time analysis and a crossover between both


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Biografía del autor/a

Renata Enghels, Ghent University (Bélgica)

Department of Linguistics (Spanish section)

Sanne Tanghe, Ghent University

Department of Linguistics (Spanish section), Ghent University, Belgium




Cómo citar

Enghels, R. ., & Tanghe, S. . (2019). On the interplay between historical pragmatics and sociolinguistics. The case of the Spanish pragmatic marker nada and its recent grammaticalization process. Onomázein, (44), 132–165. https://doi.org/10.7764/onomazein.44.07


