Forthcoming Images: Popular Unity and the Invention of Further Becomings
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The aim of this paper is to think the role of images and «invention» in the project of Popular Unity. If inventiveness, as a way of understanding collective work, arises in different initiatives of the Popular Unity in order to improve the living conditions of workers, while seeking to legitimize the socialist project by consolidating its achievements and its ability to function as an alternative to capitalist production models, invention as an «original combination of imitation rays» (Tarde) operates at the same time as an unprecedented form of associativity promoted by Popular Unity and, to that extent, the trajectories and relationships it arouses are less linear than what images, understood as a representational and capture mechanisms, allow us to understand. This is why the article proposes to think about other ways of narrating Popular Unity in which images function as machines or «machinic agencies» (Guattari), that is, as records of the multiple which emerges within a complex and constantly changing social formation. In the light of this, the text connects two milestones of Popular Unity which inscribe invention as an articulating axis for redefining the social: the book collection «Nosotros los chilenos», by Quimantú (1971-1973), and the UNCTAD III building (1971-1972).
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